Tuesday, March 5, 2013

What's the Point?

I think that the human race tends to get to stuck on themselves and the little details and problems of their own lives. By no means is that all bad.  How often, though, do we take time to step back and ask what the point of our life is? And I don't mean the age-old question of "What is the meaning of life?" There are plenty of wonderful answers to that question.  I think finding the POINT to your life is different. 

I think we each need to find what that one source of true Life is for each of us.  That one reason we pull ourselves out of bed each day, even when we know we will be facing indifference, pain, boredom, apathy, challenge, distress, or something else throughout the day. It's a hard thing to find. It's hard to keep hold of in the middle of this messy, mean, depressing world.

Some days, I struggle to find this.  I know the One who is my life.  But, some days I don't feel Him.  It's those days that I struggle. I struggle and stumble and fail. I give in to the apathy and bleak outlook.  It feels like I am slowly being sucked into a muck.  It is a muck full of sadness and apathy, lacking all laughter and smiles. 

It's then that my head needs to step in and remind my heart that life is full of pretty things.  It is those pretty things that we need to grab and hold on to for dear Life.  Things like a hug that is given when nothing else will help, a moment of complete surrender, a pretty dress, an old, worn Bible, or a Savior who gave it all up for each of us.

Sometimes, the mundane reaches out and grabs us, refusing to let go. It is then that we need to look harder and find the beauty amongst the bleak. It's there, He promises so.

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